WeiCloud Technology has a professional system integration, products and technical support team, including maintenance and data center operation, ICT infrastructure, IT system management and architecture, professional services, to provide customers Infrastructure as a Service, identity and security management, log and data service management. We are One Identity APJ Partner Awards winner in Taiwan for two years in a row. <https://www.oneidentity.com/community/partners/b/blog/posts/one-identity-apj-partner-awards-2020---winners> <https://www.oneidentity.com/community/partners/b/blog/posts/one-identity-apj-partner-awards-2021---winners>

  Niveau de partenariat: Platinum +

  5F, No. 335, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist.
     Taipei, Taiwan 114 Taiwan

  Demander à un partenaire de me contacter


Siège social

5F, No. 335, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist.
Taipei, Taiwan 114 Taiwan
Phone: 886277218168


Microsoft Platform Management;One Identity - Active Directory Management;One Identity - Identity & Access Management (OneLogin);One Identity - Identity Governance & Administration;One Identity - Log Management (syslog-ng);One Identity - Privileged Access Management


One Identity Safeguard;Recovery Manager for AD Forest Edition


One Identity PAM 特權存取解決方案

One Identity PAM 特權存取解決方案

了解One Identity 的模組及整合應用的特權存取管理(PAM)產品組合如何減少複雜性及營運流程衝突,並以1/2 的時間及1/2 的擁有成本滿足您的需求。 Take the PAM ...



Government / 政府部門使用案例 - Key Products:One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions - Business Need:外部廠商遠端維護,需要記錄操作行為 - One Identity Value:1.即時監控所有連線操作行為、2.記錄所有連線活動將螢幕上的每一個動作,包括滑鼠的移動和點選、輸入的文字等錄影保存、3.透過中繼轉送避免直接連線到主機,保護連線安全



Financial / 金融單位使用案例 - Key Products:One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords & Sessions - Business Need:法規需求,需記錄遠端使用者連線與使用行為 - One Identity Value:1.減少變更使用者的使用習慣、2.不需安裝Agent、3.記錄所有連線活動、4.禁止檔案複製



Hi-Tech. / 高科技製造單位使用案例 - Key Products:syslog-ng store box/SSB - Business Need:ISO合規需求,日誌資料長期保存 - One Identity Value:1.高效率的收集及查詢日誌, 減少硬體的投資、2.支援檔案, 資料庫, 作業系統, 網路設備等多種日誌格式蒐集、3.可整合第三方SIEM, BI資訊關聯與呈現平台、4.對應合規控制項目, 符合法規